Medical Examination for the People who Decide to Live in Turkey

Turkey has the one of the most advanced healthcare system between world countries. The healthcare system has been brought to world standards especially with ” health transformation” which was applied at the beginning of 2000’s. Also, it provides qualified healthcare service both Turkish citizens and foreign national citizens.
In turkey, high standard healthcare services are provided and the negative health problems are prevented in healthcare institutions, private hospitals, and medical centers, but mainly in public hospitals and university hospitals.
Firstly, all of the foreigners deciding to live in turkey need to have a health insurance which is comprehensive and laid down by the laws. Citizens who have no health insurance have problem when they make enter in Turkey, at the same time, residence permit and work permit are not given to them.
Vaccines are extremely important for preventing epidemics
The cause of the spreading many diseases is people who travel between countries. Especially, epidemics are carried with people who travel and they create risks for the countries which are carried in. Turkey make routine health controls and request detailed health certificates to prevent these situations and to be visited by healthy people.
Foreigners who decide to live in Turkey ,firstly, need to be vaccinated as a medical examination. Vaccines, which prevent epidemics and create a healthy society, are significant in Turkish healthcare system, and Turkey is very sensitive about that. Measles and rubella vaccines, diphtheria and tetanus – pertussiss vacciness, and varicella and salk vaccines should be done for travels in Turkey. As is known, Turkey hosts millions of refugees because of the war in the middle east. The risk of carrying diseases is higher for refugees, because medical examination and vaccines are not done in their country. In the previous days, many of the vaccination calender have lost their current features because there are so many entrance and exit. Vaccination calenders have created again.
Purpose of entrying to Turkey and which region will be gone make differences in medical examinations
Arrival time to Turkey, which region will be stayed, and health story of people coming to Turkey are effective in determination of examination to be carried out. For example, medical examinations that are applied to a person coming from europe to Turkey differ from medical examinations that are applied to person coming from middle east or america . People ,who threaten public health, carry an epidemic disease, or suspicious, can enter to Turkey in a controlled way, or they are not accepted in borders of Turkey and they are sent to their countries. Both World Health Organization and Turkey healthcare system prevent any problem about that topic and create a quality healthcare system for everyone by setting medical examinations and vaccines which need to be done by foreigners while entrying to Turkey.
Entrance of Turkey is banned for the people who become health hazard
Hepatits A vaccine and typhoid vaccine are important for foreigners coming to Turkey. To be vaccinnated is necessary for the those type of disease which are transmitted later and easily. Then entrance of Turkey need to take place. Turkey is a modern country which applies all the necessary examinations and pays attention both it’s own citizens and foreign visitors coming to Turkey for a short time or long time.
Turkish healthcare system ,which service with quality solutions for every type of health problem, works with imaging devices, medical technology, and experienced medical personnel for not to have any problem in entrance or exit of Turkey, and community health care.
Although medical examinations that are done in your countries are significant, they will not be taken into consideration in entrance of Turkey. All medical examinations will be done by Turkey healthcare system.