Menemen is an important agricultural and industrial center of İzmir with 180.000 population. The district is located 35 km. away from city center. Menemen is famous for its food, strawberries, jugs and other pottery products. At the last years, important industrial firms started to make serious amount of investment to Menemen district. So, the district showed a rapid development recently. There are also a lot of important historical places to visit all around the district.
Check out the most comprehensive Menemen district guide now. You will find the answers of many questions like “Places to see in Menemen ” or “How to get to Menemen ?” in this guide.
District Name
Population Density
Population Growth Rate
Surface Area
Number of Neighbourhood
300 / km2
3,05 %
573 km2
Do you want to get detailed information about hospitals in Menemen ? If you’re, our special health guide will be helpful for you. In Menemen, there are 1 state hospital named as Menemen State Hospital in the district.
If you are looking for real estate for sale in Menemen or real estate for rent in Menemen , you are on the right page. As of the end of October 2020 in Izmir, Menemen district, the prices of houses for sale increased by 20.53% in the last year. Average for sale residential property size is 130 square meters. Considering the annual averages, as of the end of October 2020, the neighborhoods that gained the most value in Izmir Menemen district for housing were Irmak, 30 Ağustos, Gazi, Gazi Mustafa Kemal, İsmet İnönü, respectively.
Accommodation in Menemen is an important issue for people who visit city for different purposes like tourism or business. There are a lot of hotels and hostels in different places of Menemen.
Check out the “Best places to visit in Menemen” or “Top 10 things to do and see in Menemen” questions in this guide. Like many other districts of İzmir, Menemen has also many places to see. If you are interested in history, you can turn your route to Menemen, which attracts attention with its historical buildings worth seeing more. Taşhan, one of the most important historical heritages in Menemen, is one of the main places that you should not leave without seeing. Taşhan, which is an important accommodation and trade center in history, creates a social complex with the covered bazaar. After visiting Taşhan, one of the first examples of inns in the city, you can also visit the Mahkeme Mosque, which is also known as Mehmet Paşa Mosque. Panaztepe Ancient City, where Early Bronze Age remains are found, Leukai Ancient City located near Maltepe Village. You can visit the Larissa Ancient City with its ruins from the 6th century and see the historical buildings from the history up to the present day. If you want to spend a day alone with nature, you can go to Karagöl Park and go for a picnic and hiking.
There are bus services from city center to Menemen district. You can also use İZBAN to reach to the district. Check out the İzmir railway network map below :