How will Foreigners Living in Turkey be Affected from the State of Emergency?

The President Tayyip Erdoğan announced the State of Emergency for 3 months. For providing brief information about the State of Emergency which is almost the same as that is currently being applied in France:
The cabinet will be presided by Erdoğan during the State of Emergency. By means of the authority to issue decree laws, the decree laws will be published, submitted to the Assembly and put into force all in the same day.
Measures that may be taken according to the Law of State of Emergency are as follows:
- To apply partial or full curfew order,
- To prohibit people to gather, walk or to prohibit vehicle traffic at certain locations and at certain hours,
- To search persons, their vehicles and personal goods and to seize those with evidence or crime nature,
- To impose on residents of areas for which the state of emergency is announced and other persons trying to enter such areas to possess identity certificates,
- To prohibit publication, reproduction, print and distribution of journals, magazines, brochures, books, booklets or posters, etc., to prohibit entrance in and distribution within the area of those documents printed or reproduced out of such area or to make the same subject to a permit; to collect books, magazines, journals, brochures, posters and other similar documents which are prohibited to be printed or published,
- To supervise speech, writing, painting, film, voice and video tapes and all kinds of verbal publications, and when necessary, to document and prohibit the same,
- To force sensitive establishments and banks belonging to the public or individuals to take protective measures to ensure their internal security or to require strengthening the same,
- To supervise plays and movies of any kind, and when necessary, to prohibit the same,
- To prohibit possession and transportation of weapons and ammunition of any kind despite presence of a license,
- To prohibit or to require a permit for possession, preparation, production or transportation of any kind of ammunition, bomb, demolition material, explosive material, radioactive material or oxidizing, corrosive, injurious medicines or any other poisons, choking agents or other similar substances; and to collect or require delivery of goods, tools or equipment that may be used for preparation or production of the same,
- To prohibit persons or peoples giving rise to a doubt that they may disturb public order or public security to enter such areas, to expel the same from such areas, or to prohibit the same to enter in or reside at certain locations within the area,
- To regulate, document or prohibit entrance in and exit from areas where facilities or establishments are located within the area, for which security concerns exist,
- To prohibit, delay, require a permit for meetings and protest marches to be made in open or close locations or to determine, specify or allocate locations and time of such meetings and protest marches; to observe, keep under control or close down meetings of any kind for which a permit is required,
- To require a permit for or delay worker discharges, for a time period of maximum three months, by taking into account existing status of the employer except for termination or expiry of employment contract of worker due to retirement, expiry of employment term, health-related circumstances or violation by workers of moral rules, good faith, etc.
- To stop activities of associations by taking separate decisions for each association and for a time period of maximum three months.
Dear guests
We understand your concern about the unfortunate event we experienced recently. However, as you know, Turkey is one the safest countries located in the “middle of hell”. We are now fighting against evil-minded plans attempted to be implemented on our country in addition to the terrorist acts which we have been experiencing for years.
This is totally an internal matter of Turkey. Daily life is going on as usual for everybody including our foreign guests in our country.
We would like thank to those who experienced that dark night and supported the Turkish nation with their prays and thoughts.