How to Choose Name for Company in Turkey ?
The points to consider while choosing a business name for companies vary in accordance with sole proprietorship and corporations. Accordingly :
While choosing a business name for sole proprietorship , it’s obligatory to use name and surname of business owner. Additionally, it is possible for the trader to use the attachments what they desire, except expressions that would mislead. Especially, the additionals for natural person’s business names are forbidden which can shape an opinion about there is a company.
The business name of open parthership , it’s obligatory to use an expression for name and surname, company and kind of corporation of all stockholders or one of them.
The business names of limited parthership or partnership limited by shares must contain an expression of the name and surname of at least one of the active partners, the corporation and kind of corporation. It’s legally forbidden to use dormant partner’s name and surname in business names of that kind of corporations.
Limited, joint stock and cooperative companies must show the areas of activity in their business names. In addition, except some expressions which give a false impression, it’s possible to use attachments by traders. Also, it’s obligatory to use “Limited Company”, “Joint Stock Company” and “Cooperative” expressions in business names. If the name of a natural person is found in the trade name, it is not possible for the company to be typed as nickname or abbreviated.
Branch office of a company must use the business name of headquarter and branch expression at the end of caption while choosing a business name. It is possible to make additions related to this title branch.
You can enquire if your possible business name is used by another company or not with connecting to Turkish Trade Registry Gazette’s “Query” section of web site on the database of The Ministry of İndustry And Trade.
Natural persons can’t choose a same business name which is using by another natural person in their area of activity of the registered Trade Registry Office.
It is not possible for companies to use the same title of another company operating in our country. In order for a title selected for companies to be different from a title used by another company, it is necessary to determine as different between the two categories based on the sector following the core section of the title.
For example,
“Uğur İnşaat Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş.” and
“Uğur Turizm İnşaat Sanayi A.Ş.”
Because one of the first two sectoral words after core section (Uğur) of title is same, these two titles are considered the same.
“Gonca İnşaat Otomotiv Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.” and
“Gonca Tekstil Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.”
Because the first two sectoral words after core section (Gonca) of title is different, these two titles are considered the different.