He Learned That He Died in an Earthquake While Living in Istanbul

Nejat Ozcelik, who has the same name as his relative who lost his life in the earthquake in Diyarbakir, was recorded as dead, his life darkened.
More than 43 thousand people lost their lives in the disaster of the Turkey.
Losses in 11 provinces stunned Turkey.
A death in Diyarbakir was recorded incorrectly.
Nejat Ozcelik, 34, who lives in the Cekmekoy district of Istanbul, learned that he was recorded as ‘dead’ due to the similarity of his name with his relative Necat Ozcelik, who lost his life under the rubble on February 9.
It was reported to Ozcelik that he appeared dead in the population records during traffic control the previous day. Ozcelik, who was shocked by this information, went to the police station and wanted to get information.
The identity of Nejat Ozcelik, whose fingerprints were checked at the police station, was confirmed. It was understood that there was an error in the records due to the similarity with the name of his deceased relative.

Unable to Enter Bank Accounts
Özçelik encountered an access barrier when “e-devlet” wanted to check their bank accounts by entering them. Ozcelik went to the civil registry office and tried to prove that he was not dead.
The records were not corrected, although he stated that he was alive, showing his driver’s license and identity card. Ozcelik was told that he had to apply with a petition.
Looks Dead for 11 Days
Necat Ozcelik, who has been dead for 11 days in the records, wants this error to be corrected in order to continue his life.

“I’m sick but I can’t go to the hospital”
Ozcelik stated that they were very upset when they learned that Necat Ozcelik was distantly related and that he passed away, and said:
“I was stopped for the routine traffic control performed by the police teams on the Şile highway. They asked for my driver’s license and I gave it. Later, the police officer was surprised. He said that I appeared dead in the system. At that moment, I was surprised, I tried to enter the e-Government system and my bank accounts, but, “I couldn’t enter. The traffic police called the public security teams, we went to Atakent Police Station with the teams. Here, Nejat Özçelik showed up in the fingerprint scan system where I was. But they said that I still looked dead in the general system.” Explaining that the problem was not resolved at the police station either, Ozcelik said, “I went to the Civil Registry and wrote a petition. I submitted documents to prove that I was alive. But it was not resolved. I am sick but I cannot go to the hospital, I cannot take action because there is an access block in the banks. I am a victim because I look dead everywhere at the moment. I want my grievance to be remedied as soon as possible. I need to give power of attorney to my lawyer. The officials I went to the notary said that I cannot give power of attorney because I look dead in the system. I am in a very difficult situation. My cause of death is written in the system as a natural disaster, but I am alive. I say that I am alive.”