He Inserted USB Cable Into His Penis To Learn Penis Size!

An unnamed 15-year-old boy living in England took an interesting way to find out the length of his penis. Wanting to know the length of his genitals, the boy decided to use the USB cable, but things didn’t go as planned.
Doctors were stunned by the action of the unnamed 15-year-old, who admitted to the bizarre use of the USB cable. When the boy inserted the USB cable into his genitals and advanced the cable, he knew right away that something was wrong. After the cable got knotted in it, the child explained the situation to his family and made his way to the hospital. The case has been studied by doctors around the world, and an article has been published in Science Direct about the case.

“It was found that the two distal ports of the USB cable protrude from the external urethral canal, and the middle portion of the knotted wire remains inside the urethra,” the doctors said in the report. The patient was a healthy adolescent with no history of mental health disorders. A longitudinal penoscrotal incision was made over the palpable foreign body and a careful dissection of deeper tissues was made and separated the bulbospongiosus muscle. Both ends of the wire were successfully removed from the external urethral canal.

Expressing that the doctors were unsuccessful in removing the cable in the first attempt, the mother stated that her child used the cable for sexual experimentation.

Doctors attempted to remove the USB cable using a metal rod, but knotting the cable made this method impossible. Doctors had to cut the section between the genitals and the anus to get to the cable. In the report after the medical method, “Sexual experience and satisfaction as well as underlying mental disorders are considered the main causes of foreign bodies retained in the urethra and bladder. Management varies depending on the shape and size of the object and the placement mechanism.