He Has 102 Children From His 12 Wifes!

A man named Musa Hasahya, who lives in Bugisa, Uganda, has 102 children from 12 wives. Hasahya, who has 568 grandchildren after his children started their own lives, said that she could no longer tolerate her ever-growing family. Hasahya rebelled against the situation, saying that his wives should now use birth control methods.
Musa Hasahya, 67, who lives in Bugisa, Uganda, said he does not want to be a father anymore after his 102 children. Stating that he talked to 12 of his wives about birth control, Hasahya said, “Due to limited resources, I can no longer tolerate new child births. For this reason, I advised all my spouses of childbearing age to go to family planning and use birth control pills.”

Hasahya, who has 568 grandchildren, lives on the site where there is a 12-room house. Stating that he could distinguish his children and grandchildren from each other when he saw them, Hasahya said, “I wanted to expand my family by marrying more women with whom I had a good income. But things suddenly got out of control. I discourage those who want to marry more than 4 women. Because it is a more difficult situation than you can imagine”.