From Eyes of Foreign Investors Look to Turkey and Doing Business In This Country Pros

There are many foreign executives at the center of business life in Turkey. those people who have one of Turkey’s leading companies, steers the millions of dollars and provides employment to thousands of people.
Colman Deegan, Vodafone Turkey CEO
In Turkey, automotive, petroleum, insurance from foreign investors to finance operations in many areas, they are managing the most important companies of the sector. Especially those people who govern the operations of multinational companies in Turkey, Turkey’s floor is a lot to them and they said that the Turkish business world offers many opportunities.
We are also in this article, we will cover the vision of success operating in Turkey with foreign investors in Turkey.
“Turkey have invested £ 20 billion in 10 years. We rely on Turkey market. Turkey is a very exciting market. It has a very young population and promises growth opportunities. We see Turkey as a long-term market. I should say that I feel more Turkish every day. “
Felix Allemann, CEO of Nestle Turkey,
“Turkey is a very important country for Nestle. We believe that Turkey’s economy and the growth potential until the end. Nestle, only 8 years after its establishment in Turkey entered the Swiss market and today our two factories in Kestel Bursa Karacabey directly with 3 thousand 800, we indirectly provides employment to over 7 thousand people. “
Ojet was Andrea, Aristotle’s Turkey General Manager
“Turkey is a huge and dynamic market. If any company want to advance in Turkey market, it has to send a qualified manager here. So, when I was appointed as general manager of Indesit Company to Turkey first I heard great pride. I was also aware of the responsibilities that this location brings. He remains directors brought to mind that humans are better positioned to succeed here in Turkey, but rather those who have failed.
Hiroshi Kato, General Manager of Toyota Turkey Automotive Industry
Working as a manager in such a dynamic country is always a plus. And it certainly opens the doors to more progress in your career sense. To be successful in such a challenging atmosphere is satisfied and satisfied with the professional person. “
“Toyota’s total investment in Turkey has reached the point of 1.7 billion euros. Within the scope of the new mass production, we will provide a thousand new jobs. Turkey is an important market for Toyota’s European sales. In our targets, there is no change in our plans. “
Thomas is Kolbingen, CFO, Siemens Turkey
“Turkey is a huge country with great development potential. And Siemens has the technical tools and know-how to translate advantage of this potential. Modern Turkey, one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. With an integrated open and globalized world market, Turkey today in a regional trading center between Europe and the Middle East. Turkey, is focused on a sustainable future. the focus on this vision requires investment in infrastructure and support laws related to them. “
Fulvio Villa, Managing Director, Gefco Turkey
“Turkey’s economy with high growth potential in our opinion is moving towards a more positive place unlike any time are unchanged. Peugeot as we want to grow further in Turkey. We have not made any changes to our plans. our plans to take part more vigorously in Turkey will work without any changes. “
Laurent Pernet, General Manager of Peugeot Automotive Marketing