Fixed Capital Investment

The concept of fixed capital investment must contain investment elements such as buildings, land, equipment, machinery for the production of services and goods. Purchasing only real estate does not entitle the right to apply for citizenship in this scope, but the expenditures made for the purchase of real estate are considered as part of the investment.
If a foreign investor who want to apply for Turkish citizenship by investment purchases a non-public company completely or becomes a partner of the company, the amount corresponding to the share purchased must be at least USD 500,000 or in a different foreign currency or Turkish lira equivalent. In this case, the applicant may also be asked to submit a company valuation report obtained from the authorized institutions related to the market value determination of the partner or acquired company.
For the concept of additional investment, the increase in the investment amount and the share of the foreign person in the company are taken into account as of the date of the additional investment. Briefly, if the foreign investor is a partner in the company at a certain share, the share ratio corresponding to the partnership share is multiplied by the additional investment amount. The resulting amount must be a minimum of 500,000 USD or the equivalent of a different foreign currency or Turkish Lira.
For citizenship applications made after January 12, 2017, 3 years of retroactive expenditure will be taken into account when calculating the capital investment.
Foreign person or persons who are entitled to citizenship by capital investment cannot transfer their company shares to another legal or real person for a minimum of 3 years.
Required Documents
Investment Information Form. This form contains information about the company took the investment, the subject of the investment transferred to the company’s equity, and the share of the investor in capital investment.
- Valid passport and notarized Turkish translation of the passport
- Four (4) passport-sized biometric photographs
- Double-sided copy of residence permit
- Special purpose report with the approval of YMM (Certified Public Accountant) showing that a minimum of 500,000 USD or a different foreign currency or Turkish lira equivalent has been invested as capital investment
- If the capital investment related to the application is made through a legal entity, the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette record showing the capital amount and shareholding structure of the legal entity that made the fixed capital investment.