Drink Boza in Vefa Bozacısı

Another wonderful drink can be tasted in Turkey in the cool season. This is Boza. Few people have heard of Boza, much less tried it. Therefore, when you travel to Turkey in winter and early spring, be sure to try this drink. Boza is a thick drink popular in Turkey and the Middle East. Serve it in a cup, sprinkled with cinnamon. The density resembles sour cream, so a spoon is served to the drink. And necessarily fried chickpeas. The taste of Boza is sweet and sour and resembles apple-pear puree.

Today we will tell you about the most popular and real place where you can try this drink. Only a small percentage of Istanbul’s guests can know about this cozy place, because it was created for true admirers of national traditions. Vefa Bozacısı is rightfully considered one of the oldest city institutions. It dates back as far as 1876! Locals appreciate this cafe for the delicious boza – an ancient national drink, which is prepared here according to the original Turkish recipe. The basis of the boza is wheat, semolina, roasted nuts and sugar – a combination that is difficult to imagine without trying it at least once.
In addition to boza, many different dishes are served in Vefa Bozacısı. Here you can taste real Tamarind and Ottoman sherbet, shuro, grape must, as well as all kinds of sauces and vinegars.
To visit the institution, you need to go to the old part of Istanbul. Vefa Bozacısı belongs to a Turkish family and is passed down from generation to generation along with recipes of traditional and seasonal drinks that are kept secret. Coming to the cafe, you will plunge into a unique spiritual atmosphere. It is calm, quiet and cozy here at any time of the year. The glass from which this drink was drunk by Ataturk is an exhibit.
This historic place is a 5-minute walk from the Sehzade Mosque. Thus, you can combine the inspection of the attractions of Laleli: the Laleli and Shehzade mosques, the Valens aqueduct, and then head to Vefa Bozacısı. To do this, you need to go around the territory of the Sehzade mosque on the right, then turn left and you will see a large sign on the right in the alley.

You can read this article in Russian language: Напиток Боза в Вефа Бозаджысы
Thankyou , love your article
This will be in my itinerary the next trip am going .