Where Does the Word Hangover Come From?
The photo in the post appears to appear on Getty Images when reverse searched on the image search engine. The caption of the photo reads: “January 3, 1979-Dublin: Are they really hungover? Not really. In 19th century England, innkeepers provided customers with “hanging pennies,” a kind of drying room. For a dime, innkeepers would stretch ropes for sailors to sleep. “Many customers are on the ropes for this scene in the new movie The Great Train Robbery. The movie takes place in the 1850s.”

The photograph in the claim was taken on the set of the movie ‘The First Great Train Robbery’, which was shot in 1978 and starring the famous actor Sean Connery. Released in 1978, the film tells the story of a train robbery in England in the 1850s.

This scene in the movie also sheds light on an interesting phenomenon in England’s Queen Victoria. In the 19th century, overnight stay was not a service accessible to people of all income groups. Those who could not afford such a cost were forced to choose a so-called “two-penny hangover” accommodation. In this accommodation, ropes were stretched in a room and customers were allowed to spend the night leaning on these ropes. In the more ‘luxury’ type of accommodation called the ‘four-penny coffin’, customers can at least spend the night in wooden coffin-shaped boxes. However, the use of “hangover” here has nothing to do with the use that characterizes the condition after alcohol consumption.
Lancaster University linguist Daniel Van Olmen told AFP that the word “hangover” is “an extension of an old meaning; something or person that remains or remains; survives or survives a coup d’état.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary also defines the first definition of the word “hangover” as something from the past (such as a surviving tradition), while the second definition as “unacceptable physical effects after heavy alcohol consumption or drug use.”

the claim is FALSE
In a post from a Twitter account, it was claimed that the word “hangover” came from people sleeping on strings. The photo in the claim is available from Getty Images. The caption below the photo states that it was shot on the set of a movie called “The First Great Train Robbery.” Linguists have also noted that the word does not originate from the use of “two-penny hangover”, a practice of staying overnight in 19th century England.