Died from Cat Bite!

A man named Henrik Kriegbaum Plettner, who lived in Denmark, died with a single cat bite. The man, who was rushed to the hospital with terrible pain and swelling, had 15 surgeries in a row. In the end, Henrik, whose finger had to be amputated, unfortunately did not manage to survive despite all efforts.

Henrik Kriegbaum Plettner, 33, adopted a cat from a shelter with her kittens. His life turned into a nightmare when one of his kittens bit his index finger. Henrik, whose hand had doubled in size within an hour, called a doctor to ask what to do, but was told to wait until the next day.

The next day, he panicked and made his way to the hospital. But the unfortunate man had to undergo 15 surgeries in a row. Despite all the surgeries he had, he could not use the finger that the cat had bitten again.
The doctors decided to amputate the finger as a last resort. However, this was not the solution for Henrik.

According to his mother, Henrik also suffered from pneumonia, gout and diabetes during this period. About 4 months after this incident, it turned out that the unfortunate man who lost his life was bitten from the blood vessel and the bacteria spread from there. The family of the man who died a short time later shared his story so that others would not experience the same.

“We knew the situation was bad, but we had no idea what was going to happen to us,” said Henrik’s wife. His family, on the other hand, stated that after a bite, one should definitely go to the doctor and that no one should leave anything to chance.