Kemer is an important tourism center of Turkey with huge bed capacity, 5-star chain hotels and amazing natural beaches. Kemer is also an example of modern urbanization. One of the main attractions in Kemer is its natural beauty. Sea, forest and mountains come together at one point. The economic structure of Kemer is generally based on tourism. Since it is a first degree tourism area, there are various touristic facilities along the coast. It is known that one in five families are dealing with tourism, such as a hostel or hotel. Foreign capital and domestic investors have the capacity to appeal to tourism.
Check out the most comprehensive Kemer district guide now. You will find the answers of many questions like “Places to see in Kemer” or “How to get to Kemer ?” in this guide.
District Name
Population Density
Population Growth Rate
Surface Area
Number of Neighbourhood
867 / km2
6,75 %
53 km2
Do you want to get detailed information about hospitals in Kemer ? If you’re, our special health guide will be helpful for you. In Kemer, there are 1 state hospital named as Kemer State Hospital and 2 private hospitals.
If you are looking for real estate for sale in Kemer or real estate for rent in Kemer, you are on the right page. As of the end of July 2020 in Antalya, Kemer district, the prices of houses for sale increased by 27.82% in the last year. Average for sale residential property size is 150 square meters. Considering the annual averages, as of the end of July 2020, the neighborhoods that gained the most value in Kemer district of Antalya province are Arslanbucak, Beycik, Merkez, Göynük, Kuzdere in descending order.
Accommodation in Kemer has been so easy at the last years. Kemer is one of the most important tourism centers of Antalya,it’s possible to find many different accommodation alternatives in the city.
You will find the answers of the “Best places to visit in Kemer” or “Top 10 things to do and see in Kemer” questions in this guide. Göynük Canyon, one of the most popular places to visit in Kemer district, is a magnificent place for nature sports lovers with its magnificent nature, trees, waterfalls and pools. The canyon is about 4 km from Göynük, a popular holiday resort of Kemer. Olympos Ancient City is an important port city located in the west of Antalya within the borders of Kumluca District. The name of the city, the extension of the Taurus Mountains located 16 km north of 2375 m. It takes from Tahtalı Mountain. Moonlight Beach is located in a very special bay to the west of Kemer Town Center. This place is located on the seaside of Moonlight Park.
If you are coming from abroad, Antalya Gazipaşa or Muğla Dalaman Airport will be the best solution for you. It’s possible to find direct flights from many important cities of the world today to Antalya. On the other hand, you can use road transportation to visit Kemer. It’s very easy to find direct bus lines to Antalya from many important cities of Turkey.