Another arrest for Dilan Polat and Engin Polat
Another arrest for Dilan Polat and Engin Polat
An arrest warrant was issued for Engin Polat, his wife Dilan Polat and his father Sezgin Polat, who are alleged to be the instigators within the scope of the investigation into the shooting of singer Banu Parlak’s beauty center. The Polat couple were arrested and sent to prison last week on charges of “Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime, Tax Procedure Law and opposition to the Law on Betting on Football and Other Sports Competitions and Regulation of Games of Chance”.
The investigation conducted by Küçükçekmece Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office into the shooting of Banu Parlak’s beauty center located in Bahçeşehir 1st Section Nature Park by suspects on motorcycles at 02.00 and 04.30 on October 1 continues.
Dilan, Engin and Sezgin Polat, who were arrested last week on charges of “money laundering”, “tax evasion” and “establishing an organization”, were brought to Küçükçekmece Courthouse accompanied by gendarmerie for their statements.
The suspects, who were arrested in Marmara Closed Penal Execution Institution for other crimes within the scope of the investigation, were brought to Küçükçekmece Courthouse accompanied by gendarmerie for their statements to be taken.
The 3 suspects, whose statements were taken by the prosecutor’s office, were referred to the judge on duty with the request for their arrest on the charge of “instigating the crime of threatening with a weapon by more than one person together”.
The Küçükçekmece Criminal Judgeship of Peace on duty decided to arrest the suspects Dilan, Engin and Sezgin Polat on this charge as well.
It was also seen that Dilan Polat cried for a long time and fell on her knees before the judge’s decision.
A written statement was made by Küçükçekmece Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the issue.
In the statement, “Within the scope of the investigation carried out by our Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the shooting of Banu Parlak Beauty Salon belonging to the complainant Banu Parlak, located in Bahçeşehir 1st Section Neighborhood Doğa Park Street Pond, twice on the same day; suspects Dilan Polat, Engin Polat and Sezgin Polat were referred to the request for their arrest for the crime of instigating the crime of threatening with weapons by more than one person, and the suspects were decided to be arrested by the Criminal Judgeship of Peace on Duty. Within the scope of the investigation, all procedures are being carried out effectively in order to reveal the material truth in every aspect and to take legal action against those responsible.”