Age of Empires Definitive Edition Won’t Open, What Is The Solution?

Age of Empires Definitive Edition won’t open, what are the solutions? Here are the methods that can fix the problem in the strategy game!
Age of Empires Definitive Edition does not open, we have prepared a guide for people who are wondering what the solution methods are. In the guide we prepared, we explained the methods that can solve the problem that causes the popular strategy game to not work.
Age of Empires Definitive Edition, developed by Forgotten Empires and Tantalus, was first released in 2018. Sometimes some problems may arise in the real-time strategy game, which is published by Xbox Game Studios.
Some of the players may encounter the problem of not opening Age of Empires Definitive Edition. So, what are the methods that can fix the problem in question? In this article, we have listed the methods you can apply for the solution.

Age of Empires Definitive Edition Won’t Open, What Are The Solutions?
- Restart your computer.
- Run the game as administrator.
- Scan for viruses.
- Temporarily disable the antivirus.
- Turn off the Firewall temporarily.
- Run the game in compatibility mode.
- Update the drivers.
- Update Windows.
- Delete and reinstall the game.
Above are the methods you can apply for the Age of Empires Definitive Edition not opening problem. You can find the details of the methods in the list below.
Restart Your Computer
The first method you can apply when you encounter the problem in question is to turn the computer off and then on. Restarting may help fix some issues. After restarting the PC, try to open the game. If the problem is not resolved, check the next method.
Run the Game as Administrator
You can try running Age of Empires Definitive Edition as administrator. To do this, simply right-click the game’s icon and click “Run as administrator”. If this method fixed the problem and you don’t want to mess with it every time, right click the game and click “Properties” menu.
View the Compatibility tab located in the Properties menu. Select the “Run this program as administrator” option. Confirm the action and try to run the game.

Scan for Viruses
The system may be infected with malware. Some malicious software can cause programs and video games installed on your computer not to work properly. For this reason, you can try to scan for viruses with antivirus software. If you do not have security software installed on your PC, you can review the list of best antivirus programs.
Temporarily Disable Antivirus
The security software installed on your computer may be preventing the game from opening. For this reason, try temporarily turning off the antivirus program. After disabling the security script, check if the problem is fixed.
Temporarily Turn Off the Firewall
To disable the Firewall, click the search box on the taskbar and type Control Panel. After opening the tool in question from the search results, view the System and Security category. In the next step, enter the “Windows Defender Firewall” section.
Click on “Enable or disable Windows Defender Firewall”. Select “Turn off Windows Defender Firewall”. If the problem is not resolved, re-enable the Firewall.
Run the Game in Compatibility Mode
If Age of Empires Definitive Edition, which is among the best strategy games, does not open, you can try to run the game in compatibility mode. To do this, right-click on the game icon and enter the Properties menu. Then open the Compatibility tab.
In the next step, select the “Compatibility mode to run this program in” option. Click on one of the older Windows versions. Confirm your change by clicking the Apply button. Finally, press the “OK” button.

Update Drivers
To update outdated drivers, you can right-click on the Start menu and open Device Manager. Right-click the outdated driver from Device Manager and select “Update driver” and follow the instructions.
Update Windows
- Use the Windows + I shortcut.
- Enter the Update & Security category.
- Press the “Check for Updates” button.
- Perform the update process.
View the settings using the Windows + I keyboard shortcut. Open the Update & Security category in the Settings window. Click the “Check for Updates” button and then perform the update process.
Delete and Reinstall the Game
If other methods did not fix the problem, delete and reinstall the strategy game. To delete the game, you can view the “Uninstall a program” section from the Control Panel and right click on the game and select “Uninstall”.