What Are The Benefits Of Being A Turkish Citizen

Turkey is visited by millions of people all over the world every year. Turkey has a wealth of natural beauty, cultural values, historical structures, and geographical advantage. Nowadays it is very easy to get Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport. Being a Turkish citizen provides many benefits. Foreigners can acquire Turkish Citizenship and passports through the purchase of a residence or investment in the desired amount. Once you have a Turkish passport, you can travel to 77 countries using Visa-Free and 7 countries using e-Visa.
In this article, we will try to explain the validity of being a Turkish citizen and the Turkish passport worldwide, the countries that allow visa-free visits with a Turkish passport and other benefits of being a Turkish citizen.
- What is the Degree of Turkish Passport?
In 2018, Turkish passport took 39th place with 114 points, allowing visa-free entry to 77 countries, visa-free entry to 42 countries with getting a visa at the border and entry to 7 countries by online visa.
- Which Countries Allow Visitors with Turkish Passports?
Turkish passport holders can enter more than 77 countries without a visa. Countries in this scope;
Qatar, Tunisia, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Sultanate, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Georgia, Paraguay, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ukraine and Uruguay.
Turkish passport holders can also obtain visas during entry into more than 42 countries, most notably Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, and some African countries. Online visas can be obtained for 7 countries such as Australia and Oman with a Turkish passport. Many countries give visas to Turkish passport holders under easy conditions.
If negotiations and international agreements resulting in a positive way between the European Union and Turkey, and if Turkey joins the European Union as expected, as a Turkish citizen of persons has a Schengen visa will be entitled to go as visa-free to many European countries in the future.
- What is the difference from the other country’s citizenship and the potential of Turkish citizens in Turkey?
Turkey witnessed a unique growth in infrastructure and superstructure projects, attracting foreign investment, which provides support for real estate investment attracting foreign capital, developing industry, trade, and agriculture, export products are a modern country with outstanding position gained in the regional and international levels.
Turkey’s future expectations; to promote technological transformation in various aspects of public and life, to make public and private sector institutions more accessible with more open and flexible policies, to provide more convenient services through multiple channels, to secure the connection between public and commercial services of all segments of society by the easiest way.
The strategic plans of the Turkish government are to create new resources that will make the economy stronger and to ensure stability and sustainable development in the long run. This reflects the government program announced at the beginning of the second term of the new government of the Republic of Turkey.
One of the largest airport projects in the world, the Istanbul 3rd Airport project was put into service. Other major projects, such as the Istanbul Canal Project and the new metro lines, are continuing rapidly.
- What is Turkey’s Strategic Importance?
Turkey has a unique strategic importance between Europe and Asia. For centuries, it has been a bridge in meeting various civilizations and cultures. It has played an important role as a very important trade route between East and West. Also, Turkey has an energy corridor and the title of the giant oil pipeline project. Agriculture and animal husbandry conveniently fertile soil, have a three-located next to the country’s seas and temperate climatic conditions are some of the advantages of living in Turkey.
Istanbul is a city that has the most developed and most densely populated in Turkey. İstanul is the star of Turkey and, one of the popular locations for the Islamic world around the world.
The tradition reached up to the present from the past in Istanbul, mosques and Ottoman civilizations and oriental-style streets with Turkey by a melting pot of modern European identity and the city has been the world’s leading trade and industry. Istanbul, which has a Bosphorus bridge connecting East and West, brings together different religions and beliefs intolerance.
It is unique in nature and climate. Other cities and towns of Turkey have natural beauty, the greenery of the flowing water, the beach, a large part of the year and a soft meadow into the air.
Turkish people are pleasant and friendly towards guests and visitors. Turkish citizens have historical ties with Arabs, Iranians, Kurds, and Europeans from various parts of the world. With its deep-rooted advocacy history, the Turks have opened their wide arms especially in recent years to embrace and integrate all the oppressed with brotherhood.
- What are the Benefits of Turkish Citizens in the Future?
Turkey is the weight at the international level, the sound is heard, the role and the effect is a country seen by anyone who loves to work and produce. Thus, it is welcomed by the whole world from Germany to Morocco. Therefore, no matter where the Turkish product or producer is welcome.
Shortly, Turkey between the Far East and Near East Asia will be a hub of European civilization with the ancient and modern western world. Turkish citizens will be valued by all countries and the doors will be opened for their products and exports. All these features of the Turks in Turkey and will become effective in a large portion of the world appeared to live a comfortable and easy way.
Being a Turkish citizen has become a dream for many people, and having a Turkish passport has become a source of pride and a real gift that makes you feel a nation with a history and a future. With the latest regulations, the conditions for being a Turkish citizen by making real estate investments were facilitated and legal gates were opened.
- What are the other benefits of being a Turkish citizen?
- High quality of life.
- Take advantage of advanced and free education opportunities.
- Benefiting from excellent health facilities.
- Living in a safe environment.
- To have confidentiality of assets.
- Being exempted from military service by applying for TCBI.
- Access to Turkish cuisine, one of the world’s unique cuisines.
Good morning, I have purchased a property in Alanya and had it for 3years nearly 4? Am I eligible for Turkish residence. My property is valued at 70,000 euro so I was wondering what benefits I would get if I had residency? And would my spouse be covered also.
Many thanks L Cornwall.
Can I get job in IT industry easily ? I have 21 years experience in Oracle database pl/sql I am planning to apply for Turkish citizenship by investing in property.
Woow love be a citizen one day love this country.
I want to invest in Turkey for citizenship but have a problem. I have three sons 26,23,and 17 years old respectively. Will they be covered in my investment?
Your youngest son can be covered by your investment and acquire Turkish citizenship under condition that application would be submitted before he turns 18 years old. Your children above 18 years old are not eligible for Turkish citizenship on basis of your investment but once your application will be approved they can easily obtain residence permit in Turkey. In order to apply for citizeship they would need to make separate investment of at least 250.000 USD each.
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Is there a discount for turkish people in vialand?
Is there any advantage getting job if I manage Turkish Citizenship through real estate investment.
Foreigners, who acquire Turkish citizenship are not obliged to obtain work permit in order to work in Turkey. The restrictions regarding occupations forbidden for foreigners in Turkey also do not apply to those who become Turkish citizens. Once you become Turkish citizen you will have the same rights regarding working in Turkey as citizens by birth.
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What is the minimum amount to be invested
Foreigners, who invest at least 250.000 USD in a property in Turkey can acquire Turkish citizenship on basis of their investment within short period of time. Investor’s spouse and children under 18 years old are also eligible for the application. Otherwise, those who invest amount below 250.000 USD in real estate within Turkey can be apply for Turkish citizenship after 5 years of uninterrupted stay within the country on basis of residence permit for property owners.
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I am interested to make turkey citizenship by investment
Foreigners have a right to obtain Turkish citizenship within short period of time on basis of investment. In order to be eligible for applying, one of criterias listed below must be met by foreigner;
a. Purchasing property in Turkey worth at least 250.000 USD, which would not be sold for three years,
b. Investing at least 500.000 USD in fixed capital,
c. Depositing in a bank account amount of at least 500.000 USD, which would not be withdrawn for 3 years
d. Employing at least 50 personnel within Turkey
If you meet one of the abovementioned criterias, our company will be glad to assist you with the Turkish citizenship application. Your family members as spouse and children under 18 years old can also acquire Turkish citizenship basing on your investment.
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