Mobilization chaos is growing in Russia!

After President Putin announced partial mobilization in Russia, hundreds of citizens flocked to airports and borders to leave the country. The Russians, who do not want to go to war with Ukraine, are also trying different ways. In the latest footage, a young man tells his friend to break his leg to avoid enlisting in the army. The teenager screams in pain as his friend breaks his leg.
After Russian President Vladimir Putin announced partial mobilization in the country on September 21, Russians continue to leave the country in panic. While Russia’s attacks on Ukraine continue, the Russians, who do not want to be in the middle of the war, cross to Georgia by road.

The Russians, who left the country after the declaration of partial mobilization, formed a 14-kilometer queue at the “Upper Lars” Border Gate on the Russia-Georgia border. Due to the long queue and traffic at the border crossing, it took some 40 hours for some Russian citizens to cross into Georgia. Due to the intensity at the Upper Lars Border Gate, hundreds of trucks using the Georgian highway, including Turkey, Armenia and many countries, as transit, had to wait for hours.

On the other hand, Russian citizens do not hide that the first reason for leaving their homeland was war. Some say that they came to stay and live in Georgia, while others say that they will go to different countries through Georgia, settle there and then take their families with them.
After the declaration of mobilization, protest demonstrations were held in many places. In addition to these, those who cannot escape try different ways not to fight. In the latest video, a teenager tells his friend to break his foot after reaching the steps of the stairs. His friend jumps on his foot and breaks his foot. The video shows the teenager writhing in pain.