Bandırma is a coastal town in Balıkesir province on the Marmara Sea coast. Banda developing rapidly in recent years, is also a district which also has one of Turkey’s largest port. Today, more than 158.000 people live in this important district of Balıkesir.
Check out the most comprehensive Bandırma city guide now. You will find the answers of many questions like “Places to see in Bandırma ” or “How to get to Bandırma ?” in this guide.
District Name
Population Density
Population Growth Rate
Surface Area
Number of Neighbourhood
195 / km2
1,32 %
755 km2
Do you want to get detailed information about hospitals in Bandırma ? If you’re, our special health guide will be helpful for you. In Bandırma, there are one state hospital named as Bandırma State Hospital and 1 private hospital in the city.
If you are looking for real estate for sale in Bandırma or real estate for rent in Bandırma , you are on the right page. As of the end of January 2021 in Balıkesir, Bandırma district, the prices of houses for sale increased by 27.82% in the last year. Average for sale residential property size is 115 square meters. Considering the annual averages, as of the end of January 2021, the neighborhoods that gained the most value in Bandırma district of Balıkesir province are Bentbaşı, Çınarlı, Dere, Günaydın in order.
Accommodation in Bandırma is an important issue for people who visit city for different purposes like tourism or business. Today, it’s possible to find different accommodation alternatives like hotels and hostels in Bandırma district like many other districts of the city.
Check out the “Best places to visit in Bandırma” or “Top 10 things to do and see in Bandırma” questions in this guide. Manyas Lake , which is 15 km away from Bandırma Bay, is the most beautiful natural wonder of the county. A large number of creatures live in Manyas Lake, which has fresh water. It is also known as Bird Paradise because it is a paradise for birds. Bandırma Archeology Museum is located in the center of Balıkesir in Paşabayır neighborhood. Archaeological Museum; It consists of a showroom, library and conference hall. In this museum, where many artifacts obtained as a result of excavations are exhibited, there are generally works belonging to the Persian and Roman Periods. Kyzikos Ancient City is 10 km from Bandırma center. The ruins of the ancient city are spread over a wide area here. There are many historical artifacts in this city. In the city of Kyzikos, there are ruins of many tomb monuments from the Roman period.
You can find a lot of transportation alternatives to Bandırma district. You can prefer road or air transportation if you are coming from outside of the city. Koca Seyit Airport is located in Edremit and you can find direct flights from Istanbul and Ankara to İzmir. On the other hand, there are a lot of regular bus lines from many cities of Turkey to Balıkesir. For details, please visit our Balıkesir Transportation Guide.