Why is October 29 Important for Turks?

With the proclamation of the Republic, the doors of a new era in the history of the Turkish nation opened on October 29. October 29, Republic Day is the date when the Republic of Turkey was officially established. Great Leader Atatürk, like other holidays, left this holiday as a legacy to future generations. With only a few days left before the celebrations, the meaning and importance of this important date became a matter of curiosity. So what happened on October 29? What is the meaning and importance of 29 October 1923 Republic Day?
With the proclamation of the Republic, Atatürk made a series of innovations to bring Turkey to the level of modern and civilized states. These innovations; It has been done in the fields of politics, public works, social, agriculture, law, education, industry, economy and trade.

With a constitutional amendment made in the Turkish Grand National Assembly on October 29, 1923, Turkey’s form of government was determined as the Republic. On the same day, it was decided by the parliament to celebrate with 101 guns. We, too, continue to celebrate the foundation day of the new Turkish Republic, October 29, with enthusiasm across the country.

For the Turkish people, Republic Day is one of our national holidays where national unity and solidarity and social solidarity are at the highest level. It was essential to determine a new form of administration in order to eliminate the administrative vacuum that emerged after the War of Independence, which ended with the victory of the Turkish nation. As a result of their studies, Mustafa Kemal and his friends decided that the form of government befitting Turkey was a republic. Finally, on 29 October 1923, the Republic was proclaimed.
Six years after the declaration of the Second Constitutional Monarchy, the First World War broke out in the Ottoman Empire. Major states of the world participated in the First World War, which started in 1914. After four years of war, the states that were with us were defeated. We were defeated by the rules of war. Our country was shared by the British, Greeks, French, Italians. Believing and trusting his nation, Mustafa Kemal Pasha came to Samsun on 19 May 1919. He organized congresses in Erzurum and Sivas. Mustafa Kemal Pasha “There is only one sovereignty, and that is National sovereignty. The nation’s own power will save the homeland.” he was saying.

On April 23, 1920, representatives of the nation – deputies – gathered from all over the country in the Grand National Assembly in Ankara. The parliament elected Mustafa Kemal Pasha as the president. Under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the Grand National Assembly started the National War of Independence. On the one hand, Ephesus, dadaşlar and seymen resisted the enemy in their own regions. Regular armies fought in İnönü, Sakarya and Dumlupınar. Our country is free from enemies.
With the Treaty of Lausanne signed, a new state was born. The form of government of this emerging state had not yet been determined. The second term Grand National Assembly held its first meeting on 11 August 1923. Ankara became the capital on 13 October 1923. Ataturk; After the removal of the enemy from the country and the determination of our borders, he began preparations for the proclamation of the republic, which he had been planning for a long time. On the evening of October 28, 1923, he invited his close friends to dinner in Çankaya. To them, “Tomorrow we will proclaim the Republic.” aforementioned.

After meeting with Atatürk’s deputies on October 29, 1923, the draft republic was presented to the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Parliament accepted the proposal. So that our country was founded republic management. Atatürk became the first President of the established Republic of Turkey. The proclamation of the republic was greeted with joy and enthusiasm in the country. Republic; It is a government in which citizens have the right to vote and be elected. The country is governed by laws passed by the representatives of the nation. In the republican government, the word belongs to the people. It is the duty of every citizen to protect, protect and keep the republic alive.