The dictionary of Alper Gezeravcı’s “UYNA” experiment was shared today

The dictionary of Alper Gezeravcı’s “UYNA” experiment was shared today
Alper Gezeravcı, the first Turkish astronaut, will conduct 13 experiments during his 14-day space journey. A glossary of experimental terms related to the “UYNA” experiment of the astronaut, who started his 10th experiment today, was shared.
The Turkish Space Agency (TUA) continues to share the “Experiment Glossary” on the terms that stand out in the 13 experiments carried out by Turkey’s first astronaut Alper Gezeravcı on the International Space Station (ISS).
In the post made on TUA’s social media account, the terms related to “UYNA”, one of the experiments in question, were explained.
According to the information provided in the post, KIBO (Hope), a laboratory module developed by Japan’s National Space Development Agency (JAXA) and connected to the ISS, was moved into space in 2008 and integrated into the station.
The module is designed to host various scientific research and experiments.
The word “alloy”, one of the terms used in the experiment, is defined as a new metallic material with superior properties formed by the combination of at least two metal elements or metalloids in various compositions.
The production of stainless steel by adding chromium, nickel and carbon in certain proportions to iron is shown as an example of an alloy.
Entropy refers to the disorder and complexity within the structures that make up a material.
Levitation is defined as the ability of an object to float or rise in the air without being pulled by gravity.
The Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF), designed to keep a material in a levitating state using electrostatic forces and to test it at high temperatures, incorporates a special technology that allows materials to be tested and characterized without contact.