How Do I Become a Turkish Citizen

Turkish Citizenship by National Authority Decision
A foreigner who wishes to acquire Turkish citizenship, if he/she provides the conditions specified in the law, Turkey can give our citizenship to them with the decision of the Ministry. If you become a Turkish citizen by a decision of the national authority, your spouse’s citizenship status will not change. On the date of the acquisition of the citizenship of one of the parents, the children whose custody has the right to acquire Turkish citizenship upon the consent of the other spouse. If the other parent does not agree, the action is taken according to the judicial decision of one of the parents’ settlement. Children of parents who acquire Turkish citizenship together will also acquire citizenship. If the children of the parents who have not been treated with them apply for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship after they become adults, the provisions of the article on the general acquisition of Turkish citizenship shall apply to them.
Carrying the required conditions does not provide an absolute right for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship.
Acquiring of Turkish Citizenship as Generally
Foreigners wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship may become citizens by the decision of the ministry if they meet the following conditions.
- The applicant must have the power of adult and discrimination under the law of the country of citizenship, and if he is stateless, he must have the power of adult and discrimination under the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721,
- Applicants must be persons residing in Turkey without interruption for five years before from the date of application. A foreigner who asked to gain citizenship can be found outside of Turkey within not to exceed 12 months in total residence time wanted to apply. The period spent outside the periods of residence in Turkey is evaluated,
- Foreigner should confirm with the behavior that decided to settle in Turkey. (Buy a real estate in Turkey, investing, build a business, transfer the trade or business center to Turkey, to work in a workplace with permission to work or to marry a Turkish citizen, family appeal, having the relatives who previously gained Turkish citizenship such as father, mother, children or siblings, or to complete education in Turkey,
- In terms of general health, there should be no dangerous disease,
- He/she must have good morality (he/she should give confidence to its environment and behaviors in the society, and should not have bad habits that are not welcome and contrary to the values of society),
- To be able to speak Turkish at a level that can adapt to social life,
- The person must have income or profession to ensure the livelihood which is obliged to look at itself and dependants in Turkey,
- The person should not be in a position to endanger national security and public order.
Acquiring Turkish Citizenship as Exceptionally
Provided that there is no danger to national security and public order, the following foreigners may acquire Turkish citizenship by the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers.
- Foreigners which providing industrial plants to Turkey, or have passed the extraordinary services such as economic, social, sporting, cultural, scientific, technological and artistic fields, or are expected to do so, and have been reasoned proposal by the relevant ministries,
- Foreigners who hold a residence permit by the Law on Foreigners and International Protection Nr.6458 and foreigners who hold a Turkuaz Card and their foreign spouse, minor and dependent children,
- Foreigners who are required to be naturalized,
- Foreigners who accept migrant (These are connected to the Turkish descendants and Turkish culture alone or batches Turkey come to settle, which are foreign acceptable according to migrant Settlement Law No. 5543),
In terms of national security and public order, the Ministry rejects the requests of those with a condition to constitute an obstacle. The procedures for applying for exceptional citizenship and gaining Turkish citizenship shall be carried out by the Ministry of Interior.
Turkish Citizenship by Investment
In 2018, the Turkish Government launched a new system for those who want to become Turkish citizens. According to this system, at least 400,000 USD buying real estate in Turkey, or at least 500,000 USD investment for 3 years to avoid touching the record that they make to foreign investment is given Turkish citizenship. Those who invest at least 500,000 USD in fixed capital or employ 50 Turkish personnel may also benefit from this system.
Turkish Citizenship by Marriage
A foreigner who marries a Turkish citizen cannot be a direct Turkish citizen. For this, he/she must be married to a Turkish citizen for at least 3 years and his/her marriage must be continuing. Foreigners who meet these requirements can apply for Turkish citizenship.
Among the applicants;
- The condition of living in family unity,
- The requirement not to engage in any activity that contradicts the marriage union,
- There must be no situation that may pose a danger for national security and public order.
If there is a death of a Turkish citizen spouse after the application, the condition of living in a family union is not sought.
Turkish Citizenship by Adoption
A minor who has been adopted by a Turkish citizen may acquire Turkish citizenship as of the date of the adoption decision provided that there is no danger to public order and national security.
Getting Turkish Citizenship of Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic Citizens
TRNC citizens who apply for citizenship of the Republic of Turkey, If they declare in writing their wish to acquire citizenship of the Republic of Turkey, they will acquire it.
TRNC citizenship from those who have earned afterward, the decision of the Republic of Turkey on the authorities search the desired conditions for the acquisition of citizenship.
Blue Card
A Blue Card is issued to the persons who are Turkish citizens by birth but who lose their Turkish citizenship by obtaining permission to leave and their children who are traded together, upon request by our foreign representative offices abroad and by the Provincial Directorate of Population and Citizenship in Turkey. The holders of the blue card have the same rights as the Turkish citizens unless they pose a danger to national security and public order. However, blue cardholders are not obliged to do military service and do not have the right to choose and to be elected / to enter public duties and to import vehicles or household goods. If they have acquired rights related to social security, they are retained and used by the provisions of the law.
These people travel, working, session, investments, inheritance, and issues related to the acquisition of movable and immovable commercial activities in Turkey are conducted under the legislation being applied to the relevant agencies and institutions of Turkish citizens.
I am working in turkey for 5 years,only 10 days left for the completion ,how can I apply for citizenship of turkey
I want to apply for Turkish citizenship. I own property. How many days is the maximum to be out of the country in the last 5 years of residency?
I hold a Turkisb residency permit and have been in Turkey 17 years.Can i apply for citizenship without investment?
Hello I’m living in turkey since 5 years as a legal . What the criteria I should be complete for the Turkish citizenship application ? Where were I would be contact for help